Who I am by Andsot

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Who I am by Andsot

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Escrito por
Andrés Zamora

Producido por

Community Hunters Records

Who I am by Andsot

I’ve been, I’ve been working lately
Thinking about it all
Thinking about my family
Wondering if one day I could be someone

Why do I want the lights if all I need’s someone by my side?
Someone to love me right
While I’m in my sleep
While I’m at my worst time

Why can’t I find the time to spend on my dreams, spend on my goals?
Why would I waste it all in drinking all night long and losing self-control?

Why can’t I find the time to spend on my dreams, spend on my goals?
Why would I waste it all in drinking all night long and losing self-control?

I’ve been, I’ve been working lately
Thinking about it all
Thinking about my family
Wondering if one day I could be someone

Why do I want the lights if all I need’s someone by my side?
Someone to love me right
While I’m in my sleep
While I’m at my worst time

Why can’t I find the time to spend on my dreams, spend on my goals?
Why would I waste it all in drinking all night long and losing self-control?

Why can’t I find the time to spend on my dreams, spend on my goals?
Why would I waste it all in drinking all night long and losing self-control?

You’ll hear me some day
Do you know who you are?
Decisions head my way
Is this Who I am?

You’ll hear me some day
Do you know who you are?
Decisions head my way
Is this Who I am?

Why can’t I find the time to spend on my dreams, spend on my goals?
Why would I waste it all in drinking all night long and losing self-control?

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