Explora 'Delete' de Andsot, una intensa reflexión sobre conflictos internos y la lucha por autoaceptación en un mundo desafiante.
Tick-Tock by Andsot
Interpretado por
Escrito por
Andrés Zamora
Producido por
Community Hunters Records
Cue Music
Tick-Tock by Andsot
You’re wasting my time
Just stay out of sight
Fuck off!
I’m done with you losers
“You’ll never see fame”
“You can’t keep up with the game”
I call you stupid out loud
Well, you’re stupid!
Tick-tock, goes your clock
Oh no! You’re still shocked
I know you lose control
Can hear your tick, tick-tock
Tick-Tock, like a bomb
Are you crying? Call your mom
Careful, your brain can blow
Just like a bomb, bomb, bomb
Soon you’ll be dead
You’ve done nothing
There’s nothing left
For the world to see
You live a fantasy
Tick-tock, time is up
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Tick-tock, diffuse your bomb
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
You think you’re great
Fake smiling in pictures for fame
You’re nothing, just face it
If instagram faded, then soon you’d be gone
Just numbers, not grace
I’m playing loud like a rockstar
So, who the fuck do you think you are?
Don’t be mad cause the music I make is crazy
And most of your days
Been fucking lazy
I don’t gotta tell you what’s up
I don’t gotta say “hi” to your boss
You’re still trapped with no one to love
What are you gonna do, beg ‘til I stop?
You’re a hater
You’re still crying
You know soon you’ll be forgotten
So, you come to leave dislike
Go ahead, press the fucking button!
Tick-tock, goes your clock
Oh no! You’re still shocked
I know you lose control
Can hear your tick, tick-tock
Tick-Tock, like a bomb
Are you crying? Call your mom
Careful, your brain can blow
Just like a bomb, bomb, bomb
Soon you’ll be dead
You’ve done nothing
There’s nothing left
For the world to see
You live a fantasy
Tick-tock, time is up
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Tick-tock, diffuse your bomb
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Tick-tock, time is up
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Tick-tock, diffuse your bomb
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Explora 'Delete' de Andsot, una intensa reflexión sobre conflictos internos y la lucha por autoaceptación en un mundo desafiante.
Sumérgete en 'GM' de Andsot, una canción que celebra la libertad personal y rechaza el materialismo. Un llamado a vivir auténticamente y disfrutar de lo esencial con confianza.
Descubre 'Don't Leave' de Andsot, una balada emotiva y vulnerable que explora el amor profundo y el miedo a perder a alguien especial.
Explora 'Ungrateful' de Andsot, un relato sobre los desafíos y la búsqueda de identidad en medio de la nostalgia y el conflicto interno.
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