Explora 'Delete' de Andsot, una intensa reflexión sobre conflictos internos y la lucha por autoaceptación en un mundo desafiante.
Don’t leave by Andsot
Interpretado por
Escrito por
Andrés Zamora
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Don’t leave by Andsot
There’s nothing wrong with you
It’s all just wrong with me
Cause I noticed in my dreams
There’s an empty spot to fill
And every time we fight
I miss your smiling lips
Lets dance under the lights
And wrap around our hips
I want you to sail with me
It’s not our fault
Sometimes we play like kids
You sound like a symphony
I’m lost and then I’m free
I don’t get why we can’t kiss
I don’t get why you always freeze
I’ve been inside my head a lot
But you miss me when I’m not
Don’t you hurt me; don’t you go!
Let me talk! Please let me talk
I want you to sail with me
It’s not our fault
Sometimes we play like kids
You help me defeat my fears
Let me catch my breath
Hear me when I say
Don’t leave!
I’m feeling stupid
You know I’m playing stupid
You’re the love of my life
Hear my songs, I’m going to prove it
You don’t care if I fail
You don’t care if I’m faded
You always loved me, and I told you
With a song I created
I’m a fucking mess
But you never gave a shit
You always worry about how I feel
I’m a fool if I let you leave
Tell me everything you need
Make no excuses to believe
Quiet, let me hear your heart
You’ve been always in my dreams I’ve been always doing this
Waiting for a chance to die in your arms
I want you to sail with me
It’s not our fault
Sometimes we play like kids
You help me defeat my fears
Let me catch my breath
Hear me when I say
Don’t leave!
I’m feeling stupid
You know I’m playing stupid
You’re the love of my life
Hear my songs, I’m going to prove it
You don’t care if I fail
You don’t care if I’m faded
You always loved me, and I told you
With a song I created
Explora 'Delete' de Andsot, una intensa reflexión sobre conflictos internos y la lucha por autoaceptación en un mundo desafiante.
Sumérgete en 'GM' de Andsot, una canción que celebra la libertad personal y rechaza el materialismo. Un llamado a vivir auténticamente y disfrutar de lo esencial con confianza.
Descubre 'Don't Leave' de Andsot, una balada emotiva y vulnerable que explora el amor profundo y el miedo a perder a alguien especial.
Explora 'Ungrateful' de Andsot, un relato sobre los desafíos y la búsqueda de identidad en medio de la nostalgia y el conflicto interno.
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