Delete by Andsot

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Delete by Andsot

Interpretado por

Escrito por
Andrés Zamora

Producido por

Community Hunters Records

Delete by Andsot

I’m happy for the monsters in my head
They’re living out of something that was always obsolete
For a very long time I believed there was nothing left from me
But there’s something I resist
I’d press the button to delete
But, all I wanted was to face my defeat

You, you talked to me!
I am crystal clear!
Get out of here!
You, you’ hurting me!
I am loving this!
No one saves me!

Can’t hide these feelings, I won’t!
Can’t let my feelings alone
I wish perfection to come
Wide open hell’s where I go

I’m sorry I’m disrespectful
No one seems to understand me
Pardon me for screaming out my feelings
Can’t control me
Everyone’s pretending they can live a life before me
They don’t know the feeling
They are evil in my stories

You, you talked to me!
I am crystal clear!
Get out of here!
You, you’ hurting me!
I am loving this!
No one saves me!

Can’t hide these feelings, I won’t!
Can’t let my feelings alone
I wish perfection to come
Wide open hell’s where I go

I prayed all night in the edge of my bed
I gave my dreams away so I could pay my bills
I was raised from the dregs of society
So why’d you want me to clean and take away all the pain
That you got by yourself?
You live for vanity and hate!

Can’t hide these feelings, I won’t!
Can’t let my feelings alone
I wish perfection to come
Wide open hell’s where I go
Can’t hide these feelings, I won’t!
Can’t let my feelings alone
I wish perfection to come
Wide open hell’s where I go

I’m sorry I’m disrespectful
No one seems to understand me
Pardon me for screaming out my feelings
Can’t control me
Everyone’s pretending they can live a life before me
They don’t know the feeling
They are evil in my stories

You, you talked to me!
I am crystal clear!
Get out of here!
You, you’ hurting me!
I am loving this!
No one saves me!

(Best solo ever)

You, you talked to me!
I am crystal clear!
Get out of here!
You, you’ hurting me!
I am loving this!
No one saves me!

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Delete by Andsot

Explora 'Delete' de Andsot, una intensa reflexión sobre conflictos internos y la lucha por autoaceptación en un mundo desafiante.

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Ungrateful by Andsot

Explora 'Ungrateful' de Andsot, un relato sobre los desafíos y la búsqueda de identidad en medio de la nostalgia y el conflicto interno.



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