Explora 'Delete' de Andsot, una intensa reflexión sobre conflictos internos y la lucha por autoaceptación en un mundo desafiante.
New day by Andsot
Interpretado por
Escrito por
Andrés Zamora
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New day by Andsot
I just want a new day
I just want a new start
New way, new life
I just want what I want
So, I just do what I want
Entertaining my mind
If life is just a dream
It’s just a waste of time
What do you expect?
For me to wait in line?
Everybody’s judging
But is anybody living their lives?
Doing everything for me
Stop wasting my time
Don’t care if you hate
I got a goal in mind
They all play around at midnight
Getting wasted in the bars
And I feel unsatisfied
That’s just fucking bizarre
You know I’m used to work in hell
I’m feeling, I am under a spell
I know I’m not doing too well
So, I’ll try and try and try ‘til I sell
I just want a new day
I just want a new start
New way, new life
I just want what I want
So, I just do what I want
Entertaining my mind
I just want a new day
I just want a new start
New way, new life
I just want what I want
So, I just do what I want
Entertaining my mind
If life is just a dream
It’s just a waste of time
What do you expect?
For me to wait in line?
Everybody’s judging
But is anybody living their lives?
Wait ‘till I get my money right
Dreams will fall in line
Forget their hate and show a smile
All they do is fucking cry
Let them keep bitching while they slowly die
Following their stupid social lines
Be fair with your thoughts and don’t tell lies
Just be patient, you’ll eventually shine
Let them keep bitching while they slowly die
Following their stupid social lines
Be fair with your thoughts and don’t tell lies
Just be patient, you’ll eventually shine
I just want a new day
I just want a new start
New way, new life
I just want what I want
So, I just do what I want
Entertaining my mind
I just want a new day
I just want a new start
New way, new life
I just want what I want
So, I just do what I want
Entertaining my mind
If life is just a dream
It’s just a waste of time
What do you expect?
For me to wait in line?
Everybody’s judging
But is anybody living their lives?
Explora 'Delete' de Andsot, una intensa reflexión sobre conflictos internos y la lucha por autoaceptación en un mundo desafiante.
Sumérgete en 'GM' de Andsot, una canción que celebra la libertad personal y rechaza el materialismo. Un llamado a vivir auténticamente y disfrutar de lo esencial con confianza.
Descubre 'Don't Leave' de Andsot, una balada emotiva y vulnerable que explora el amor profundo y el miedo a perder a alguien especial.
Explora 'Ungrateful' de Andsot, un relato sobre los desafíos y la búsqueda de identidad en medio de la nostalgia y el conflicto interno.
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